Ca ; 혈장 Ca농도의 총화(ionic + binded), Hormon조절(PTH,vitamin D,흡수,
대사,배설의 이상
Pi ; determined by PTH,vitamin D,intestinal absorption,renal func.,bone
metabolism,and nutrition
Glucose ; increase ; D.M.,Cushing's,corticosteloid,Phenytoin,estrogen,
decrease ; insulin ,ad.cortical insufficiency,diffuse liver
Ds.,Malignancy,alcohol,hypoglycemic drug
BUN ; end product of prot.metabolism,excreated by kidney
prot.intake,N metabolism
Uric acid ; end production of nucleoprot. metabolism
increase ; nucleoprot. synthesis의증가,ctabolism,UA의 요배출감소
Cholesterol ; Lipid metabolism
증가 ; primary ; hereditary
secondary ; biary obstruction,corticosteroid증가
hypothyroidism,nephrotic syndrom,DM(uncontroled)
감소 ; liver Ds(severe),hyperthyroidism,malnutrition,
Prot.,total ; nutritional state
hepatic func.,renal func.,hydration
colloidal osmotic pr.와 관계
Albumin ; nutritional state,sever liver Ds
Bilirubin ; Hb metabooolism의 product
liver에서 mono&di-glucuronides로 conjugation되어 bile에서 배설
increase in liver Ds,biliary obstruction,hemolysis
A.phosphatase ; increase in bone growth와 관계, obstructive hepatobiliary Ds
decrease in hypophospatasia
* normal in osteoporosis
GOT ; a.a.meta의 intracellular enz.
large conc.in liver,skeketal m.,brain,red cell,heart
이조직들의 손상시 증가
* alcoholic hepatitis,cirrhosis ; GOT>GPT
GPT ; large conc. in liver,kidney
low conc.in skeletal m.,heart
* acute viral hepatitis ;GPT>GOT
Creatinine ; gromerulus통한 filtration과 tubular에 의해 배설
increase in renal failure
decrease in redused m.mass
Na ; hypernatremia는 thirst현상에 의해 잘 발생되지 않으나 소모성질환
으로 음식습취가 곤란한 환자에서 발생
K ; intracellular cation
plasma level은 renal secration에 의해 조절
neuromuscular irritability,m.contraction에 관계
* prolonged tourniqet placement
Cl ; acid-base balance,osmolarity
decrease (as HCL or NH4Cl)->alkalosis
CO2,total ; bicarbonate(95%) + corbonic acid + dissoved C02
이상시 계속적인 pH,pCO2측정으로 acid-base state평가
PT ; extrinsic pathway
sensitive in factor II,VII,IX,V
insensitive in fibrinogen,heparin
warfarin therapy monitor
aPTT ; pt's plasma + activator sub. + phospholipid -> clot
intrinsic pathway
XIII,VII제외한 모든factor에 sensitive
BT ; Test of platelet,not coagulation factor
관계 drug ; aspirin
VDRL ; T.P.이 host T.와 interact할때 생산되는 nontreponemal Ab를 measure
Syphilis 1st ; 59~87%
2nd ; 100%
late latent ; 79~91%
3rd ; 37~94%
collagen vascular Ds,infection,pregnancy,drug abuse
* confirm위해 FTA-ABS test필요
HBsAg ; symptom전 2~5주 detect가능
no other test needed if HBsAg positive
Anti-HBs ;
Anti-HIV ; 1.선별검사 ->위양성의 가능성
1) 효소면역법(ELISA)
2) 입자응집법(PA)
2)Western Blot(WB)
ABO typing ; 1.항원검사(front typing test)
2.anti-A,anti-B 항체의 검사(back typing test)
* 수혈자는 항원보다 항체유무가 문재가 되기때문에 back typing
tsst를 반드시 시행
Rh typing ; 항원으로서 D,C,E,c,e,f,Cw,V등이 있으며,임상적으로 중요한 것은 D
항원으로 anti-D를 적혈구와 반응->응집이 있으면 Rh+
Cross matching ; 수혈자가 공혈자혈구와 반응하는 불규칙항체의 생산여부를 check
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